In today’s tutorial we
will have a look at how to post an image on facebook page via iPhone we will be
using the graph api for this.
Recently I was working on
a demo for my friend to post an image on facebook page I thought it was a
simple task similar to how you post an image on the FB wall but there were many
twist and turns here.
Few important points before proceeding with this post
- For posting on your facebook page you have to be the admin of that page.
- For this demo i have created a test page.
- Since i am the admin of that page i can post any conetents in that page.
- For posting the contents on a page facebook provides you with a page id.
- Page ID will only be provided if you are the admin of that page.
So in this demo i will login with my FB credentials fetch the page id of the test page that i have created and then post a sample image on my test page using the graph API
Few important points before proceeding with this post
- For posting on your facebook page you have to be the admin of that page.
- For this demo i have created a test page.
- Since i am the admin of that page i can post any conetents in that page.
- For posting the contents on a page facebook provides you with a page id.
- Page ID will only be provided if you are the admin of that page.
So in this demo i will login with my FB credentials fetch the page id of the test page that i have created and then post a sample image on my test page using the graph API
If you want to
post an image on facebook page then you have to be the admin of that page which
means that non-admin people cannot post any pics on the FB page, this might
sound weird but it seems to be some sort of bug in the facebook :
You have to
use the page access_token and not the user access_token which means that by
default you get a access_token when you login using the graph api, but in this
case you want to post to a page not to your wall or your friends wall so you
need to call one api to request the page acces_token with the help of graph
You have to
call me/accounts api with the access_token that you have got while login as a
parameter using the manage_pages and publish_stream permissions because these
are the page permissions that allow you to handle the task related to pages.
If you do not
get the page access_token then the image will be posted on your FB wall since
the access_token is the user access_token and not the page access_token.
To post some data on the page you have to be the admin of that page, also make
sure that you apply the debugger to see the output that you get when you make a
request to the page access_token since you will be getting all the information
about the pages that you handle.
have coded this demo based upon the output that I have received in my console
so you have to make the code changes accordingly (Modify the code )
lots of theory am quite bored so let’s see the practical demonstration of this
1: Open xcode and create a window based application and add a view controller
with xib (you may or may not add an xib depends upon you) in it and give it a
reasonable name.
2: Open the xib file and drag two buttons one of them will get the image from
the gallery and the other will post the image on the facebook page (Remember
you have to be the admin of that page else this demo is of no use). Also drag
one instance of UIImageView where you will select the image from the gallery to
post on the facebook page.
3: Write the code to fetch the image from the gallery of the iphone and if you
are facing some issues then kindly follow this tutorial of mine. In the button
to post the image you have to make a call to the graph api of facebook (In case
if you don’t have the graph api of facebook then here’s the link to get it, the
output returned by this api is in json format so you would also require the
SBJSON library which you will get from here).
4: Write the code to load the facebook graph, what the graph api does it gets
your credentials of facebook and returns
your details with a valid user access_token which can be accessed by the
accesstoken property of the FBGraph instance remember all these values will be
returned in the FBGraph protocol method named fbGraphCallback:(id)sender so make sure you
implement that method else everything will be waste. Here’s what the code looks
- (IBAction)postImageActionButtonClicked:(id)sender
objFBGraph = [[FbGraph alloc]initWithFbClientID:kFBAppID];
[objFBGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject:self andSelector:@selector(fbGraphCallback:) andExtendedPermissions:@"publish_stream,manage_pages" :self];
#pragma mark postPictureWithFeedsButtonPressed with photos
- (void)fbGraphCallback:(id)sender{
//In case if the first call fails and you dont get the token
if ( (objFBGraph.accessToken == nil) || ([objFBGraph.accessToken length] == 0) )
//restart the authentication process once again....
[objFBGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject:self andSelector:@selector(fbGraphCallback:) andExtendedPermissions:@"publish_stream,manage_pages" :self];
//call method to get the page access token
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(getPageAccessToken) withObject:nil];
a halt for a second and let’s see what do we have:
We have the
user access_token which is required to get the page access_token.
We know that
to get the page access_token you have to make a call to the me/accounts api
with the user access_token as the parameter.
So now what we
will do is get the page access_token and then post a image to the FB page.
Code to get the FB page
/* This method will get the page access token from your account
To post on a page you need to have the page access token and not your profile access token
hence giving a call to the fb api to do the needful
i have used custom code here to get the page that i request, you may debug the app and see
the facebook_response dictionary to get the page u want and modify the code as per your needs*/
- (void)getPageAccessToken
NSString *urlstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",krequestPageTokenURL];
NSString *str = [urlstring stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:objFBGraph.accessToken]];
FbGraphResponse *response = [objFBGraph doGraphGetWithUrlString:str];
NSDictionary *facebook_response = [parser objectWithString:response.htmlResponse error:nil];
NSString *nameofPage = [[[facebook_response valueForKey:@"data"] objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"name"];
//If the page name is the name on which we want to post the image with data then
if ([nameofPage isEqualToString:kPostPageName])
//extract the page access token
pageAccessToken = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[[facebook_response valueForKey:@"data"] objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"access_token"]];
//and the page id
pageID = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[[facebook_response valueForKey:@"data"] objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"id"]];
//then post the selected image to FB page
[self postPictureToPage];
UIAlertView *objalert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:kAlertTitle message:kunsuccessAlert delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Ok" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[objalert show];
//clear off the current session
[self signOut];
Once you have the page
access_token call the method to post the image on the FB Page and heres how you
will do that
This method will be called once you have the page access token and will post the image to thew page
- (void)postPictureToPage
NSMutableDictionary *variables = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
objFBGraph.accessToken = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",pageAccessToken];
FbGraphFile *graph_file = [[FbGraphFile alloc] initWithImage:self.imgvgalleryImage.image];
NSString *bodyString= @"I AM RADIX";
[variables setObject:graph_file forKey:@"file"];
[variables setObject:bodyString forKey:@"message"];
//sending image with message here to the photo album of the page
FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response = [objFBGraph doGraphPost: [pageID stringByAppendingString:@"/photos"] withPostVars:variables];
NSDictionary *facebook_response = [parser objectWithString:fb_graph_response.htmlResponse error:nil];
if ([facebook_response valueForKey:@"id"]!=nil)
UIAlertView *objalert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:kAlertTitle message:ksuccessAlert delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"ok" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[objalert show];
//once the posting is done then sign out the current user and kill its session
[self signOut];
Step 5: The stage is set
we have the code and the FB page so what are you waiting for go the app
delegate class create the instance of the view controller and hit the run
button. You will get the output something like this
Great post and great spot.
ReplyDeleteI'm recently developing a facebook-based app. Thanks for the tutorial.
I have subscribed to your blog. Keep up the great work!
Ted Li @
It's quit intresting blog, I like it.